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ILO-EU-KLI 컨퍼런스: 일의 미래에 관한 정책 대화(Policy dialogue on the future of work)

ILO-EU-KLI 컨퍼런스: 일의 미래에 관한 정책 대화(Policy dialogue on the future of work)
Venue Online(Zoom) Status


Host 한국노동연구원(KLI), International Labour Organization(ILO) Date 2022-02-08 ~ 2022-02-09
Subjects Labor
Science and Technology
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
URL https://www.ilo.org/employment/Whatwedo/Projects/building-partnerships-on-the-future-of-work/WCMS_835000/langen/index.htm


Registration: https://ilo-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jd3oRSi_SaCaMtw9TEgVUA

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