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Algeria: Establishment of national vision 2030

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Title Algeria: Establishment of national vision 2030
Author Park, Myungho; Oh, Wankeun
Publisher Seoul : Korea Development Institute
Publication Date 2012
Material Type Report
Country Algeria
South Korea
Holding Korea Development Institute
Language English License 저작자표시-비영리-변경금지
Series Title Knowledge Sharing Program


Throughout history, society has evolved in a close relationship with technological progress. The rise of an industrial society touched off by the steam engine rapidly progressed to mass-production. Likewise, the diffusion of ICT has formed a new paradigm, bringing about the transition from industrial-society production methods to knowledge-intensive methods. As Korea has done its utmost to promote informatization by preemptively responding to such changes, it has become an advanced ICT nation, ranking first in the UN e-Government Development Index in both 2010 and 2012 as well as achieving the No. 1 ranking in the ITU ICT Development Index for two consecutive years. Korea has carried out large-scale investment and implemented various policies aimed at the earliest possible realization of an information society as well as the reinvigoration of ICT industries. (The rest omitted)

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