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Government and Law

Continuity, aid and revival: State building in South Korea, Taiwan, Iraq and Afghanistan

  • Continuity, aid and revival: State building in South Korea, Taiwan, Iraq and Afghanistan
  • Bizhan, Nematullah
  • [Oxford, U.K,] : University of Oxford
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Title Continuity, aid and revival: State building in South Korea, Taiwan, Iraq and Afghanistan
Author Bizhan, Nematullah
Publisher [Oxford, U.K,] : University of Oxford
Publication Date 2015 - 10
Material Type Report
Country Afghanistan
South Korea
Holding SSRN
Language English License 저작자표시-비영리-변경금지
Series Title Global economic governance programme working paper


Under what conditions does foreign aid in a post-conflict environment foster state building and consolidation? This paper argues that in the aftermath of war for an aid regime to reinforce state building it needs to ensure continuity in strength of the state and to use recipient mechanisms and finance policies that generate a greater state capacity. The existence and continuity of a Weberian state increases the likelihood of effective state building, regardless of the aid regime. If the state is a relatively strong state with a Weberian bureaucracy, aid can further reinforce it when aid is spent through national systems, with efforts to ensure that the recipient leaders reinforce state effectiveness by implementing policies that require greater state capacity. However, even under more adverse initial conditions — a neo-patrimonial state — the aid regime and state building strategy matter. (The rest omitted)

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